Cigar Haven Mobile Cigar Lounge
Smoke in Comfort and Style
Our mobile cigar lounge, better known as the Cigar Haven, provides a comfortable refuge for you and your party to smoke your favorite cigars. Our fully-climatized trailer is equipped with smoke eaters, big-screen monitors, a Bluetooth sound system, and comfy chairs. We provide lighting and cutting services for your cigars, and will have an assortment of accessories on-hand for purchase as well.
Your Favorite Pairing, at Your Fingertips
Do you prefer to sip whisky, cognac, or rum as your enjoy your smooth cigar? Theres a preference for everyone. While we do not provide alcohol or beverages in our mobile cigar lounge, we are a BYOB and you are welcome to bring your favorite libation aboard to accompany your cigars.
Pricing Details
Three-hour experience in the Cigar Haven: $999
Additional hours can be added-on for $200 / hour
No corkage fee