black blue and yellow textile

Cigar Haven Mobile Cigar Lounge

Smoke in Comfort and Style

Our mobile cigar lounge, better known as the Cigar Haven, provides a comfortable refuge for you and your party to smoke your favorite cigars. Our fully-climatized trailer is equipped with smoke eaters, big-screen monitors, a Bluetooth sound system, and comfy chairs. We provide lighting and cutting services for your cigars, and will have an assortment of accessories on-hand for purchase as well.

Inside view of our Cigar Haven mobile lounge showcasing our comfy chairs.
Inside view of our Cigar Haven mobile lounge showcasing our comfy chairs.
Your Favorite Pairing, at Your Fingertips

Do you prefer to sip whisky, cognac, or rum as your enjoy your smooth cigar? Theres a preference for everyone. While we do not provide alcohol or beverages in our mobile cigar lounge, we are a BYOB and you are welcome to bring your favorite libation aboard to accompany your cigars.

A glass of scotch on the rocks next to a lit cigar.
A glass of scotch on the rocks next to a lit cigar.
Pricing Details
  • Three-hour experience in the Cigar Haven: $999

  • Additional hours can be added-on for $200 / hour

  • No corkage fee

Inside view of our mobile cigar lounge showcasing our humidor, smoke eater and big-screen TVs.
Inside view of our mobile cigar lounge showcasing our humidor, smoke eater and big-screen TVs.